Labeling Is Dangerous! 

At Grove School we do not label a student as a bully, we label behaviors as bullying. We do not label a person as a bully since this amounts little more than name calling. Many students may commit a bullying behavior at some point in time, but very few will repeat the behavior and fall into the bullying pattern.

Bully Prevention Curriculum Resources ...From The State Department Of Education 
The Following Links Are Provided From The Oklahoma State Department Of Education. They Will Open In A New Window.
Bully Free Program (Grades Pre K-12)
Bully Free Systems, LLC
262 Ironwood Drive
Murray, KY 42071
(270) 227-0431

Bully-Proofing Your School (Grades K-12)
Sopris West
4185 Salazar Way
Frederick, CO 80504
(800) 547-6747
No Bullying Program: Preventing 
Bullying At School (Grades K-8)
Hazelden Foundation
15251 Pleasant Valley Road
Center City, MN 55012-0176
Quit It! A Teacher’s Guide on 
Teasing and Bullying (Grades K-3)
Educational Equity Center
100 Fifth Avenue, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10011
(212) 243-1110

Strategy For Dealing With Bullying Behavior 
Grove School’s Anti-bullying policy is detailed in the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct, it is also detailed in the Grove School Teacher Procedure Manual. The following ten strategies should be beneficial when addressing bullying behaviors:

  1. Refer to Grove School’s official definition of bullying. Remember that according to Grove School and the State of Oklahoma there are three components of bullying. First, an intent to cause harm. Second, intimidating behavior which is repeated over time. These first two components help to distinguish bullying from a simple accident which is neither intentional, nor is an accident repeated over time. Third, an imbalance of power between the victim and the aggressor.
  2.  The State of Oklahoma has two laws addressing bullying, and . Review these two laws and read the Teacher Procedure Manual for Grove School’s policy and teacher responsibilities regarding bullying prevention, consequences, and reporting procedures.
  3. Remain proactive while monitoring the following hotspots: restrooms, hallways, stairwells, playgrounds, cafeterias, bus drop-off and pick-up locations. Remain extra vigilant during the following times: before school, after school, during lunch, recess, class change transitions, and extracurricular activities.
  4. Grove School policy requires that all student electronic devices are to remain off and kept inside lockers during school hours. However, teachers and staff should remain on the watch for evidence of cyberbullying. Remember that students are sometimes reluctant to report cyberbullying for fear of having parents or school staff confiscate their electronic devices.
  5. Refer to Table 1 displaying symptoms that might indicate bullying victimization.

6. Contact the school counselor for support groups for students likely to be victimized.
7.Bullying creates a hostile environment and may include “gay bashing.”

8.Victims need to be reminded to avoid an emotional response to the bully and to report all incidents immediately.

9.Bystanders should walk away immediately if they are not comfortable assisting the victim. By stand by and watching they become a silent participant and fuel the bully.

10.Grove students are expected to follow the Great Expectations 16 Life Principles, 8 Expectations and keep the Basic Tenants.
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